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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Other world

Hello! My name is Rathana. Today i will tell you about my story. There was a US Space Rocket that go the Jupiter. On the way they got some problems because the space rocket was out of petrol and then it go down, but the pilots was okay. When they get out of the space rocket, they saw a small girl sit on the rock. When they were running to the girl the space rocket was explode.They were very scaring because they can not come back to Earth, but when they look back they don't see the girl. They were very frightening, because they don't know why the girl was disappeared. When they were continue walking they see a big city but it a very dark place so they cannot see it very clear. Then they walking to the city to see if there have people.When they enter they see a lot of people there. They were very happy. When they continue walking they see an old were smoking and then they ask him:"Hello!What your name". The old man said:"My name is John and i am a scientist and what your name?". The pilots said:"My name is Tony and this is my friend George". and they ask the old man:" Are you from earth? And what are doing here?". The old man said:I'm from earth and all the people are from earth too. We are here because last year there were 3 space rocket that come to Jupiter with 3000 scientists.But the way all of the space rocket are stopped working and then it fell down. We ate fish every day.There have a big lake on the north of the city. when they were talking there have 10 polices come and arrest them. When take the two pilots t the police station and they ask them:"Where are your come from? and what are you doing here?". And then the pilots said:"We are from earth and we come here to help the people that come to Jupiter last year but our space rocket was explode.and then the police release them. When they get out of the police station they start talking to other people and live in there forever.!!!!!! THE END

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