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Thursday, July 14, 2011

A bout myself

Hi!every body my name is Sheng Pheng. Iam 15 year old.i have 1 sister and 2 brother. Iam old student in A.C.E,but now i study at YL11.My teacher name SarahsEitzGerald she is good teacher and friendly and good heart . I think A.C.E school it is one school that have good and have high quality to study have good teacher and have a lot of teacher that have a lot of experience to teach a student .i think i like my teacher all of the term because they have a good teach and explain clearly for me and care a bout me too

when I have the free time . i like reading book and listen music,because i think reading it make me skill full to subject reading.

The subject that i like is reading speaking and listening writing it is subject that i have skill to study because everyday when i arrive at home i always practice speaking with my family,and i always writing note when i do something .and listening CD that i buy at school.this is something that i like.but i have one thing that i don't like is grammar subject.

I don't like subject grammar because it so difficult to remember form of it example the lesson passive and present passive it so difficult for me i don't how to do exercise.i very boring a bout is so i want try to study it i want have skillful for this subject like other subject too.

The finally i want teacher give me some exercise a bout grammar and explain me clearly a bout grammar a lot,and can help me skillful for this subject"Subject that we don't like it is subject that we need try to study it"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for your writing, I enjoyed reading it. Some tips to improve your writing.

    Start by checking carefully for these things:

    Punctuation. Always use a capital 'I'
    Use a full stop at the end of sentences.

    The S with Possessives: My teacher's name is Sarah'.

    Grammar: Check your use of has and have. If you are not sure, just ask.

    S endings: 'Like reading book'. Just one book or books?

    We can try to have fun with grammar in the classroom!
