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Thursday, July 21, 2011

An amazing adventure

Mirin was studying at a university, and she loved studying. One day, she was sitting on a branch in the university's garden and discussing her lesson with her close friend, Ken. It was a stressful lesson so they got up and took a walk together around the colorful garden to refresh their brains. They were walking and talking. Then they saw an old ancient door at the edge of the quiet garden. Ken pushed the door open and they went through the door... Then they appeared in a strange place. They were on the top of the long steps, high above from the land. They went down the steps and reached the land. Around them were full of tall old trees with flowers like in a deep forest. They walked slowly on the ground full of brown leaves. It is cool and the view was very wonderful but Mirin felt very nervous in this strange place and wanted to go back but Ken asked to go on walking. Mirin agreed, at last. So they started walking forward with no destination. After a while, Mirin noticed that it got darker in the deeper area. She was full of fear but she kept going because she was not alone. For about an hour they heard something scary. It was louder and nearer. Suddenly, a huge hungry creature jumped out of a bush and walked toward them. Mirin was out of strength because of her fear that she was nearly fainted. Mean while, Ken pulled her hand and run as fast as their legs could carry them, with the ugly creature was chasing behind. After running for a while, Ken looked back and stopped immediately. The creature was gone. They breathed heavily, looking at each other, then Mirin turned her eyes at her hands that Ken was still holding. Ken took his hand from hers quickly but there was res finger prints on her hand. "Sorry." said Ken,"Is it hurt?" "No, never mind."replied Mirin. "Anyway,thank you." They smiled warmly. They decided to go back but they couldn't find the way. They lost! "I'm so tired and hungry,"said Mirin"I afraid we lost forever." "We'll find the way soon,"said Ken,"let's rest here and have my sandwiches." They sat down and ate the sandwiched hungrily. After a short rest they go on finding the way. When they were walking, Ken slipped. Mirin rushed to help him get up. "Are you OK?"Asked Mirin. "Yes,"replied Ken,"I stepped on something." It was some shiny stones like pearls. Ken picked up two stones. "Keep it, and I keep one,"Ken said,"they are the proof of our adventure." MIrin nodded and took the stone. "And our friendship,"she added. They walked for a few minutes then Mirin noticed that it got brighter. "Ken,"Said Mirin happily,"I noticed that it gets darker when we're far from the high steps and noe it's brighter." "It means that,"said Ken,"we're near the steps where we've started."Soon they found the way back to the university. They looked at the school clock and they were so surprise that break time had just ended. They went back to class room happily.

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