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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mystery of the "Hospital of Death"

One upon a time there was a hospital located in the middle of no where called the Magic Hospital, that hospital is strange. Many people heard that the hospital have all kinds of medicines that can heal all kind of illnesses. There was enough of doctors and nurses in that hospital, but there aren't many patients because not many people can find the hospital, but for people who found it were just disappeared after a few days of disappeared there family members got a letter from that person. In the letter from those people who disappeared said "I've found the hospital, the doctors and the nurses are really friendly and now my illness is much better than before. I considered that i will live here forever, so everyone don't need to worry about me. I'm so happy living here."

Many researchers still research about this hospital but all of the researchers that found the places, also disappeared and his/her family got the same letter like the others who disappeared.
There was a man who really like to find all the mystery aroun
d the world, he doesn't have any parents or relatives. One day when he heard about the Magic Hospital, he was really wonder that what happen to those who disappeared at that hospital. So, he decided to go find that hospital. On his way, the street was getting darker and darker and the wind was so strong. After driving for 3 days, he had finally found that hospital. When he looked from far away (5 Kilometers from the hospital) the saw a very beautiful rainbow over the hospital with very beautiful views, but on the way it's still dark. When he was only one kilometers from the hospital the road the road are like road to heaven. He was finally reached that mystery hospital, it's was very beautiful there are doctors and nurses that looked really friendly and the patients looked very healthy like what the letter have said. There were a very big and beautiful garden and the hospital was really big and beautiful too. After walked around the hospital he decided to entered it, when he looked from the outside he saw people walking and working like normal. Then when he entered, the door opened then he walked into it suddenly the door was closed, he turned back and tried to open the door but he can't. So, he turned back but he didn't saw anyone, it was dark with scary sound from every directions. He was really afraid at that time but he decided to continue walking and searched for the truth. The hospital is very huge, then he walked to the reception, he saw the receptionist was lying down (dead) on the floor with bloods and she wore red dress. He was really shocked, but he still wanted to know the truth of this hospital. So, he continued to walk deep inside. He saw many scary things and people, there was dead bodies everywhere covered with bloods and he even saw the dead bodies of the researchers who have disappeared but have sent the letter to his family said that they were very happy and safe. When he opened the doors, each rooms he saw the patients were all death. Some of them were forced to hang their body upside down and the ghosts punished them until they dead, some of them were forced to jumped of the building and some drink poison... When he opened the doors, the ghosts went into his mind and made him imagined all those death of the people who were lost. He was very terrified, he ran very fast then he saw a very big door. So he entered, the room were white and he saw a big stone that wrote about the history of this hospital. He reed the information and was really shocked.

"This hospital have built 100 years ago, at first this hospital name it can healed all kinds of illnesses. It was very beautiful, the hospital were huge and the garden were really beautiful. But for long times we didn't have any patients because our hospital were really far from the city. We didn't have any money to bought any things to eat, so every in this hospital were all death (doctors, nurses, staffs...). Our spirits wouldn't go anywhere, we wanted to get revenge. So, if anyone that found this hospital they will have no way to get out, they will definitely died. It had become the ."
He got a phone with him so he captured those letters. Suddenly, all the ghosts (doctors, nurses, staffs, the lost people,...) were all come into the that room. He was really scared but he couldn't do anythings, he thought that he would died so he just stand in one place and closed his eyes and pray for them to go rebirth. But suddenly there were the light from the sky he saw an angle with wings brought him out of that place and brought him safely to his hometown, she also said that he's a very honest and friendly person then she gone.
Finally he got home safely and tell everyone all about the story of the "Hospital of Death". So, everyone decided to prayed for them to went to rebirth again... ^^

Wish u enjoy...!!!

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