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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ghost village

Most people in Cambodi believe in ghost but some don't. The believer says that they've seen a ghost before but the other don't believe them at all. So,here's a story of a group of people who have seen a ghost.Once upon a time, there was a family who lived far away from the city. There were four members in that family (four brothers and sisters) and there parents had die since the war in 1975. Before the war, there are many people lived there but after the war, they all move to the other village or city . So, they lived there just the four of them. They were strange from the other kid,they never went somewhere else. If the other people went into their place, they would hurt them or just kill them all. So,people had never went there. For about 5 years after the war had end, four of them had die because they got nothing to eat, their shelter had been distroied and they'd got no money. Even they were dead but their spirit still in that village. Many people that had go there were always die or broke their arms and legs. One day, a campus group had decided to go there and find out about the reason. Even the people that had been there and get hurt told them not to go but they still want to go. On their way to the village,they didn't see anything weird or scary as the people had told them. So, they continued on going. Not too long, they had arrive at the place where the four brothers and sisters died. But they didn't notice anything scary at all. Then, the sun was setting down and they all preparing the tent for some sleep. Soon,the sun was set.... They were all sitting around the fire to make them feel warm because it was very cold at that time and they were thinking that in the day time the weather was good and why at night it became cold? ? It's strange!!! All of them couldn't sleep because of the noise of the wind blowed and the wolves were screaming from the wood. Now,they felt a little scared. They kept sitting around and looked at each other in a scary way. Suddenly, one of them heard the sound of children crying from the scary house but the other member didn't hear anything. Soon,they all heard the sound of children crying. The wind blowed stronger and stronger and the thunder was tearing the cloud. Now,they feel absolutely SCARED!! They didn't know what to do... Then they decided to prepare the tent and go back home. But while they were preparing, they saw FOUR spirit as a children around them..and they were saying help me, help me... The campus were very very frighten,they all shouting for help. And they knew that the spirit was the four children who died in that village.. The spirit come closer and closer to them.. And one of the campus had fall down onto the ground.. The spirit were still crying and they also said that we're hungry,give us food,or we'll let u all become like us.............. Then,the head master of the campus decided not to be scared of that little spirit and he told the others not, too. They walked to the spirit and said: We'll give u food but only if u stopped killing people life,they didn't do anything wrong. The spirit stopped crying for a few minutes and they reply back : They have to kill them because they came to our village and trying to destroyed and most important is they were bad people. They silent for a moment.. And they continue: Could u give us food?? The head campus replied: we will give u food but promise me not to take people life after all. The spirit agreed and not for long the sun rise up and they were disappeared. The campus quickly went back to town and tell all of the people to understand. So, they took their food and bring it to the pagoda for the mung to to bless. And also to sent the food to the four little spirit..After that people realize that there weren't something bad happen in there place anymore..
This a story of a spirit that people believe in and at that day,they all go to the pagoda with their food and sent them to the ghost or the ancestor that have gone..

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