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Thursday, August 11, 2011

The adventure of a little girl

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Kathy. She was 9 years old. She loved adventure. Her house was on a mountain. She always went to explore some places around her house in her free time.
One day, she thought of exploring somewhere far away from her house, because she had explored almost all places around her house and she couldn't find anything interesting at all. Then, she decided to go and explore in the forest near the summit of the mountain. While she was walking in the forest, she heard a sound like water's flowing. So, she decided to find out where that sound came from. When she reached it, she saw that it was a very beautiful waterfall. Then, she came closer and she saw a cave behind the waterfall. She went and explore in the cave. It was kind of dark. But when she walked deeper into the cave, she saw a light. It looked like a moonlight. She walked toward the light and saw an entrance to a kingdom. She entered the kingdom. It was very beautiful. There was a big castle and a beautiful garden. The garden had many different types of flowers. After she had looked around the castle, she decided to enter the castle. It was very quiet. It seems like everyone had been sleeping. She kept walking until she reached the top of the castle. She saw a beautiful lady with a crown on her head. She must be the queen of this kingdom, thought Kathy. The queen was sleeping and there was a note beside her. Kathy read the note. It said:

"Dear a little girl who entered this castle,

I am the queen of this kingdom. I can predict the future. That's why I had wrote this note down before everything happened. You saw everyone was sleeping, right? Well, they has been sleeping for 500 years. Because my castle was cursed by a bad witch. But by the time you read this, the witch had been dead already. So, please help to save my kingdom. There are a magic book and a wand on the table. Read the magic book and you'll know how to use the wand to save my kingdom.

The Queen"

After reading the note, Kathy looked at the table and she actually saw the book and the wand. She read the magic book. When she finished, she took the wand and cast a spell. She saw glitter surrounded her and the castle. Then, the sun started to rise and the queen woke up. She smiled at Kathy and said "Thank you, little girl. You had saved my kingdom. I can see sun rises and my kingdom is back to normal again. Now you can live here and get whatever you want." But Kathy refused. She said that she had to go back home and her parents was waiting for her. The queen nodded. She gave Kathy a necklace and told her to visit here whenever she wanted to. Kathy smiled and said goodbye to the queen. On the way out of the castle, people who saw Kathy with the necklace greeted her and help her to get out of here.

Later on, Kathy usually went to visit the queen when she had free time and the people in the kingdom really liked her. She had a great time with them.