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Saturday, August 13, 2011


  1. Which term will come in place of question mark? 4: 63: : 5: ?
a 315, b 124, c 252, d 130

2. There are 5 subjects for an examination. The examination stated on Tuesday. History was after Mathematics, science was before physics , Geography was between physics and mathematics, then which subject is on the first day of the examination?

a mathematics, b History, c science, d Geography

3. Mary is sitting to the left of Paul. Paul is sitting to the left of David. Thomas and Joseph are sitting to the right of David. Find who sitting to the extreme left.

a Mary, b Paul, c Thomas, d Joseph

4. David is 5 years older than his wife who is 5 times as old as her daughter. Three years ago her daughter's age was 4 years.What is the present age of David?

a 40 years, b 25years, c 42 years, d 24 years

5. If yesterday was Sunday, after how many days the next Sunday will come?

a 7, b 6, c5, d 8

6. How will you say 5.26 hours in hours, minutes and seconds?

a 5 h20 min 6s , b 5h 26min , c 5h15min10s , d 5h 15min 36 s

7. If 2nd February, 2008 was Thursday, then which was the last day of the month of March In the same year?

a Thursday, b Friday, c Saturday, d Sunday

8. Ben's birthday this i.e 2003 is on Saturday then on which day will his birthday fall in 2005?

a Monday, b Tuesday, c Wednesday d Thursday

9. Garry is taller than JOjo, Michael is shorter than Jojo, who is the shortest of the three?

a Garry, b Jojo, c Michael, d None

10.Both A and B are C's children. C is A's father but B is not C's son.Then B is C's:

a Daughter, b Brother , c Nephew, d son

  • If you can answers these question correctly and faster it's mean that your IQ has been improve than others.

Good Luck!!!
To know the answers please........

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