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Friday, August 12, 2011

The hungle man and gaintnosaur

Once upon the time the big big big and strong dinosaur with the giant
large teeth lived in the big dangerous, dark and unknown forest! The
forest was really really deep deep deep inside that no one gonna knew!
But let's find out!!!

In this forest! we called it the JUNGLE!
In the jungle, no one could survived. But one strange, wild man was
living in the jungle with all the wild animals. How strange was that?
but let's find out! The man was called the Hungle! The hungle man never
scared of
anything, beside he ate lizard, snake, rabee , polat and other strange
animals. He likes to swing around the jungle! and killed dangerous wild
animals for his meal! He also made friends with dinosaur! How
strange??? Now let's go back to the dinosaur!

The huge dinosaur
was called the GIANTNOSAUR! It's was the biggest dinosaur in the whole
jungle! It was also the hungle man enemy! It's strong, brave and
powerful dinosaur. The giantnosaur ate crocodiles, sharks, tigers,
lions, octopuses and other wild animals, beside it didn't need to drink
water for 1 year and also it could live for more longer that a hundreds
of years. The giantnosaur like climbing trees, but everytime when it
climb! it never succeed, because every trees that it climbed are
falling down! It's too big to climb a tree!!! The funny thing scared of blood and a ugly dirty caterpillar! How dump
was that!Suddenly one day!!! The giantnosaur asked for a fight with the
hungle man and the gaintnosaur said"if you lose... you need to get
outta here forever" and they accepted the challenge!

Before the
fight, the giantnosaur thought that the hungle man was gonna lose, but
the hungle man knew the giantnosaur weakness! So the fight was gonna be
more interesting!!! They had a fight! The fight between the giantnosaur
and the hungle man. They use the monkey to judged! When they were
fighting, the hungle man played a trick on the giantnosaur. The hungle
man smashed the tomato and put a caterpillar on the giantnosaur foot!
When the giantnosaur saw it he thought it was a real blood, sunddenly
the giantnosaur fell down to lose and it hold up a white flag. So it
mean the hungle man was the winner! "But that not fair" Giantnosaur
said sadly! from now on.......... the strongest is the HUNGLE MAN! The
giantnosaur left sadly and went to lived in the sea................
The END!!!Thank for reading! Enjoy!!!!!!!: )

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