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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do not destroy tree in Cambodia!!!!

By history : before 1979 in Cambodia there are 70% of the surface of Cambodia but after 1979 trees in Cambodia are less than before this happen because of the war that spent nearly 10 years and nowadays there only 10% left that cause by the red Khmer team and because of some people are cutting down the tree for sell . Because some trees are very valuable some worth more than a thousand dollars U.S. Anyway trees are very important it helps to reduce water if there a flood in rainy season from May to October . And it gives fresh air from air pollution that cause by the factories or vehicles . The another of trees' benefit is tree help to make more rain that in dry season from September to April and the tree is just like a house for wild animal and fish in Cambodia.
If we want to save tree we must warn the people who destroy tree and create advertisements that show about the effection of tree
All-in-all we are Cambodian so we must stick together and try the best to save tree from danger or it's too late.

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