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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ways to stop the bully

Bully are not going to disappear on their own,you have to take the steps to get rid of the bully.These are the ways to stop the bully....
  • put on a brave face: when you get the bully from someone its mean if you afraid it like u give them a power to bully you and never show your fear.
  • Have a friend around: bullies usually pick out the weakest person.
  • Control your feeling: if the bullier want you to do something,don't give them one and then will bore and move on.
  • Don't bully back:instead,tell someone that they are bullying you,and then do your best to ignore
  • Confront the bully:ask them why they are bullying you,ask them what problem is,ask them to stop.

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